Go Magazine, the in-flight magazine for Airtran Airways just released its November issue, which includes an article on our firm's "emotional architecture" approach to design and Truehome.net.
Here's an excerpt from the article:
"Emotional design sounds like a meaningless buzz word. Are architects and designers really supposed to care about their clients’ mental health and well-being when building or decorating their homes?
The answer: a resounding 'yes.'"
When Christopher K. Travis, managing partner of Texas-based Sentient Architecture, begins to design a client’s home, the first thing he considers is their “emotional architecture”—the internal system of feelings built by past experiences that make them react to their surroundings in a certain way.
'How you feel in [childhood homes] during formative events—good and bad—returns in later homes when features within them remind us of those early experiences,” Travis says.The notion that the human brain is made up associated memories—what Travis calls “building blocks”—has only recently been put to use in the fields of architecture and design. The goal of Travis’ website, Truehome.net, is to help people create homes that take their sense of well-being into consideration.
'A home is a suite of emotional experiences,” he says. “Most people think of the sticks and bricks of a space without thinking of how we react to our space.”
Hey, me and Viggo...on the Go!
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